Tuesday 20 July 2010

Fringe Preview at NYTheatre.com

Check out NYTheatre.com's preview of West Lethargy, with these responses from Stephen!

What is your show about?
West Lethargy is about the collision of two couples on their journeys west. The first is a pioneer couple seeking the promised land of California. The second is a pair of modern day hedonists searching for a long lost brother. These two carry an enormous model of the Empire State Building, a bewitching object of unusual power that transforms the four travelers' lives for good.

Why should audiences see your show?
This 2009 Edinburgh Fringe sensation is making an overdue return to the city where it was conceived. It is emblematic of the vitality, immediacy, and genre-bending innovation of Page 121 Productions.

What one thing are audiences going to remember forever about your show after they see it?
Can half-way to paradise be paradise itself? The Empire State Building holds the answers!

What is exciting and/or unique about your show?
What begins in a historical framework quickly becomes an entrancing, unexpected Absurdist romp. The play simultaneously embraces and reinvents notions of life-changing journeys, enduring love, and theatre itself.

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